Target Unesa Big Four League Pass Campus

Posted on 9:25 AM | By Paijho | In

Surabaya - Surabaya State University host or target Unesa can qualify for the last four, at a basketball tournament finals in LA Light Campus League 2010 at the GOR Kertajaya Surabaya, December 6 to 10.

Coach Unesa Muhammad Adip told reporters in Surabaya on Sunday, said the competition won the national champion this year quite heavy, because almost all the teams that competed have pretty good material.

"The teams that appeared in the finals was the champion of the regional series in various areas, to be sure they are nice and solid team. We are ready to play 'all out' to reach the big four," he said after meeting technical and sweepstakes participants.

In the finals this time, represented Unesa son and daughter team who won league championships in Surabaya Campus regional series some time ago.

Based on the results of the draw, the team Unesa son was one group with Sam Ratulangi University in Manado and Mulawarman University Samarinda. While one group Unesa daughter team with the University of Jember and State University of Jakarta.

Unesa addition, the host of Surabaya are also represented two other teams, namely Petra Christian University men's team and defending champion University of Surabaya, the ambitious daughter earned a second in a row.

Match Field Committee, Kristianto Yudi, said Campus League finals followed by 10 men teams and 10 girls teams from nine cities, ie Surabaya, Malang, Jember, Bandung, Jakarta, Manado, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, and Denpasar.

"They are the winners from each city and brought together for the best national title and prizes worth a total of Rp72 million," he said.

He explained that the game uses a system of half the competition and are divided into three groups. Winner of each group and the one ranked the second best, entitled to qualify to the semifinals.

"All the teams have equal chances to be champion, just how their readiness in the field. What is clear, there will be a new champion in the men's because the defending champion Ubaya not qualify for the finals," said Yudi.

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