Mute Muba Hangtuah, Pelita Jaya Still Superior

Posted on 10:31 AM | By Paijho | In ,

Pelita Jaya Jakarta were really spectacular. Rastafari coach's men have not been touched Horongbala defeat in 12 matches. There is also time to face Muba Hangtuah Indonesia Muda South Sumatra, without spending a lot of sweat, they win with numbers 74-56.
Facing Muba Hangtuah, coach Rastafari Horongbala menginstruksikanpemainnya to give extra tight guard to point guard Muba Hangtuah, Robert St. Yunarto. Kelly Purwanto, Julius Iroth, and even Dimas Aryo Dewanto continue to stick to tight Robert, both when handling the ball well when looking for a position without the ball.
The results were very positive. Robert looked overwhelmed and really difficult to get the ball. Robert even made two foul when the game has been running about three minutes. Pelita Jaya successfully offset the game with only two points behind in the first quarter to make Muba Hangtuah remain hot.
Robert is the target of the players Pelita Jaya was taken over by Paulo Sanggor role. This strategy succeeded in bringing Muba Pelita Jaya Hangtuah remain attached at the end of the round with 34-32 positions. Pelita Jaya two points ahead.
Pelita Jaya consistency could not be balanced by Muba Hangtuah which began saggy. Evenly, Kelly Purwanto, Andy "Batam" Poedjakesuma, Dimas Aryo Dewanto, and Ponsianus "Komink" Nyoman Indrawan, unstoppable in producing figures. Pelita Jaya away with a difference 10 points to close the third quarter.
Andy Batam into the motor Pelita Jaya by printing double-double while Kelly Purwanto became top scorer with 12 points to ensure steady unbeaten Pelita Jaya.

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