Angsapura Defeated Again, Lose Again

Posted on 6:00 AM | By Paijho | In ,

Satya Wacana Angsapura Salatiga record never win in 12 games. Finally, Angsapura increasingly drowned after defeated Indonesia Muda Muba Hangtuah South Sumatra with numbers 71-61, in GOR Sritex Arena, Solo.
Eager to gain his first victory, coach Danny's foster children Kosasih malignant in the first quarter. Forward Valentino Wuwungan that in the previous match was rested because of a fall and feared injury in fact able to play well. Valentino pack six figures to bring Angsapura 14-9 lead at the end of the first quarter.
Entering the second quarter, there was fierce competition between the two teams point guard. Budi Sucipto in Angsapura either directly, face to face and survive when attacked by Robert Yunarto. Players who have played the character quite like this provide a great contribution for each team.
Until the second quarter, accounted for seven figures for Budi Angsapura. Meanwhile, despite scoring just three points at the end of quarter two, Robert is able to raise a sharp attack for his team so superior while 29-25 in the final round.
A mistake made against Tri Budi Muba Hangtuah Wilopo that makes a profit of four-point play to make Budi pulled by Coach Danny Kosasih and not played again until the game was over. Robert is actually quite overwhelmed when guarded by Budi little breath of relief. Action Buggi Robert managed to free a free print up to 17 points at the end of the third quarter.
Muba Hangtuah an increasingly mature in every game able to master two final quarter. Raihan number Muba Hangtuah never again be able to pass Angsapura player. Nice game thanks to a glorious victory Buggi, Robert, and Wilopo a wonderful birthday present for coach Nathaniel Canson being repeated year after 69

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