Reply Garuda Bend CLS Knights

Posted on 6:00 AM | By Paijho | In

Garuda Bandung managed to avenge the defeat in Series I, Surabaya on the CLS Knights. Meet at Sritex Arena, Solo, Denny Sumargo and his friends beat CLS Knights by a score of 68-55.

In the first quarter, direct Garuda play fast. This pattern apparently anticipated by the players late CLS Knights. I Made "Lolik" Sudiadnyana sangsung racing with a record nine points in the first quarter and brings superior Garuda 18-13.

CLS Knights are able to stick to Garuda in the first quarter thanks to the high effectiveness of Wijaya Saputra played very poorly in the second quarter. CLS Knights who usually survive as disciplined as too relaxed so it is quite easily penetrated Garuda player. Lolik able to add seven points and bring Garuda away with the excess 19 digits at the end of the second quarter.

Garuda shooting guard, Denny Sumargo slowly but surely starting to come back to play slick and very coherent with his colleagues at the Garuda. Denny movement CLS Knights often troublesome player. Lolik back into a star field with an additional six runs scored. Garuda added advantage in the third quarter with the score 54-33.

CLS Knights got up late and only active when the attack and survive in the final quarter. Several times the CLS Knights managed to lock the Garuda for violating eight seconds. CLS Knights controlled the fourth quarter with Garuda scored 22 temporary rate is only 14.

Excellence is clearly too late. Garuda finally equalized head to head against CLS Knights by a score of 1-1. Lolik scored 24 points and eight rebounds.

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