Superior, CLS Knights Conquer Angsapura

Posted on 6:00 AM | By Paijho | In ,

Satya Wacana Angsapura Salatiga back swallow defeat. This time they are uprooted from the CLS Knights in Sritex Arena Surabaya, Solo. Without forgiveness, CLS resistance Angsapura complete with numbers 68-51.

Despite this victory, CLS Knights actually did not play as usual. CLS Knights attacks are often easily broken by the players Angsapura. In the first quarter CLS Direct Knights dominate. Wijaya Saputra explosive play by scoring seven points and two steals. At the beginning of this quarter Wuwungan Valentino and his friends locked with a typical game CLS Knights. Angsapura behind 8-21.

In the second quarter, CLS Knights still have not loosened the attack. Defense Angsapura which also relies on Valentino was still overwhelmed. If Wijaya play nicely in the opening quarter, which became a substitute Febri appear attractive in the second quarter with a record 10 points. CLS Knights game is still relatively stable with a 39-23 advantage at the end of the second quarter.

As if playing in the wind, the defense easily pierced CLS Knights began in the third quarter. This situation is put to good use by Budi Sucipto who successfully adjust the tempo of the game so his team could Angsapura closer to just six points at the end of quarter three.

Aware of the lax defense in the third quarter, coach Amran apparently instructed the foster children to be more serious in the first attack to survive. CLS Knights finally re-found momentum until the end of the game.

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