CLS vs. BC Knights Jakarta Indonesia Open NBL Third Series

Posted on 8:51 AM | By Paijho | In

Professional basketball team from Surabaya, Surabaya CLS Knights will face a strong team of Indonesia, namely Satria Muda (SM), Jakarta. Match these two giants will be presented on the third series of the National Basketball League (NBL), Indonesia will soon take place in GOR Sritex Arena, Solo, Saturday today.
BC and CLS Knights have a special rivalry in the NBL Indonesia. When Preseason Tournament in Malang last July, the two met twice. CLS wins in the preliminary round, but Satria Muda win when the two meet again in the final. In the regular season, they've met on the second series in Bandung. At that time, Satria Muda slim 66-60 win. In Solo, CLS wish I could give a better appearance.
"In the last fight against Satria Muda, children playing in a hurry. They can not set the rhythm. Therefore, as long headed Solo series, we prepare carefully for the same mistakes are not repeated. We have prepared a new channel to anticipate problems this, "said assistant coach CLS, Erwin Triono.
Interestingly, between CLS and BC has a lot of similarities in the first season NBL Indonesia. Both have been diving 11 games in the regular series NBL. And both have nine wins and two defeats. "We hope the kids can be a maximum, and Revenge," he added.
In other matches, Satya Wacana Angsapura Salatiga will fight against the Stadium of Jakarta. Faced with such action, the team claimed to want to satisfy Satya public discourse of Central Java. As usual, Satya Wacana still rely on young players is minimal flight hours. Even so, as the appearance in Surabaya and Bandung, coach Danny Kosasih started steadily with the performance of foster children.
"I see no improvement in children's games charts since the first series and second in Bandung, Surabaya. The exercise was preparation for the Solo series, the improved graphics. We believe could present interesting match when play against the Stadium," beber Danny Kosasih.
Satya discourse is the only team in the NBL Indonesia who have not enjoyed a victory, of the ten games they've passed. "We hope to achieve the first victory in Solo," added Danny

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