Exciting, Garuda Citra Satria Bow

Posted on 8:29 AM | By Paijho | In ,

Flexi Bandung Garuda host injured because of two previous losses from Dell Aspac Jakarta and Satria Muda Jakarta Britama again have to work hard. held at GOR C-tra Arena, they struggled down the Comfort Mobile Citra Satria Jakarta, 63-55.
Citra Satria gained victory over the struggle is difficult. Garuda appears monotonous, dull, not even look excited. The atmosphere is very well utilized by the players Citra Satria. Via Vittorio Walewangko who scored eight points in the first quarter, Citra Satria excel in this quarter with the score 15-11.
Shown without Evin Hadi really feel something is missing from the team Citra Satria. I Made Sudiadyana who did not score at all in the first quarter exploit gaps in the stronghold Bigman knight image by playing hard under the basket Citra Satria and managed to record 12 points in the second quarter alone.
Garuda could not penetrate the defense in the second quarter with only making two additional digits to make head coach Citra Satria, Bintoro change strategy. Any player who breaks Garuda will face guard double team from the players Citra Satria. In the case of attack, Citra Satria rely Wale to be a sniper again. Quaternary Citra Satria three belong to a successful close in the final seconds with the score 47-41.
Increasingly fierce battle in the middle of the final quarter when Citra Satria managed to close up to the difference of two numbers only. Unfortunately, Citra Satria many make mistakes and put to good use by Garuda to back away.
Overall, the forward Garuda, I Made Sudiadyana managed to score 26 points far above his peers who are unable to achieve double-digit points. While at camp Citra Satria, Wale played terrible with Raihan 25 points.

CLS Knights Hentikan Rekor Stadium

Posted on 7:15 PM | By Paijho | In

Stadium Jakarta bermain cukup baik di seri II NBL Indonesia. Tiga kemenangan berunrun berhasil mereka raih. Sayang, pada pertandingan keempat langkah mereka akhirnya terhenti di tangan CLS Knights Surabaya. Agustinus Indrajaya dan kawan-kawan menghempaskan skuad Stadium dengan skor 72-48.

Kedua tim menurunkan pemain andalannya sebagai starter. Kondisi ini  membuat pertandingan di kuarter pertama berjalan sengit dan alot. Point guard Stadium, Merio Ferdiyansyah harus berhadapan langsung dengan jagoan CLS Knights, Dimaz Muharri. Di ujung kuarter pertama, Merio mencetak enam angka dari total 18 angka Stadium. Sementara Dimaz mengoleksi lima poin dari keseluruhan 17 poin timnya.

Memasuki kuarter kedua, CLS Knights mulai meningkatkan tempo permainan. Sigit Nurman melejit dengan mengemas enam angka di kuarter kedua. Baiknya field goals kedua tim membuat pertandingan terasa sangat cepat. Namun CLS Knights yang sedikit unggul dalam raihan field goals berbanding lurus dengan raihan angkanya. CLS Knights berbalik unggul 39-31 ketika buzzer akhir kuarter kedua berbunyi.

Sandy Febiansyakh yang tidak memberi banyak kontribusi pada dua kuarter sebelumnya, menunujukan kelasnya pada kuarter ketiga dan keempat. Sandy mengemas 12 angka, yang enam di antaranya adalah raihan tembakan tiga angka yang merupakan spesialisasinya. Walau kalah pada pertandingan melawan Satria Muda Britama Jakarta, CLS Knights setidaknya membuktikan bahwa mereka memang bukan jago kandang.

Gilas Citra Satria, Pelita Jaya Kokoh di Puncak

Posted on 4:57 PM | By Paijho | In ,

Menghadapi Comfort Mobile Citra Satria Jakarta pada pertandingan kesepuluhnya, Pelita Jaya Esia Jakarta mengistirahatkan Andi Batam dan Romy Chandra. Tidak tampilnya dua pemain senior Pelita Jaya tersebut tidak membuat Pelita Jaya menjadi lembek. Dipimpin oleh pemain senior lainnya, Haris Sogirin, Pelita Jaya masih garang untuk menyikat Citra Satria dengan kedudukan akhir 88-52.

Dimas Aryo Dewanto yang sukses membungkam Dell Aspac Jakarta pada laga sebelumnya kembali diturunkan oleh coach Rastafari sebagai pemain pertama. Baru saja dimulai, Dimas langsung melesat mencetak dua angka bagi Pelita Jaya disusul tembakan tiga angka oleh Ary Chandra. Pelita Jaya bermain cepat. Meski masih cukup bisa diimbangi oleh Citra Satria, Pelita Jaya masih unggul di akhir kuarter pertama dengan skor 18-10.

Citra Satria sebenarnya masih mampu mengimbangi permainan Pelita Jaya. Namun ditarik keluarnya Evin Hadi yang kerap menjadi andalan pada akhir kuarter kedua membuat serangan Citra Satria kehilangan ketajamannya. Citra Satria semakin tertinggal di ujung kuarter kedua dengan selisih cukup jauh, 44-21.

Memasuki kuarter ketiga, pemain andalan Pelita Jaya, Dimas tak lagi banyak dimainkan. Meskipun Dimas hanya mencetak empat angka secara keseluruhan, rekan-rekannya yang lain mampu menutupi. Salah satunya Ary Chandra yang melesakan tiga tembakan tiga angka dan mengemas total 13 angka.

Pertahanan Citra Satria benar-benar terbuka dan mudah ditembus oleh Pelita Jaya. Hilangnya Evin Hadi membuat lubang yang cukup besar pada pertahanan Citra Satria yang memang tidak memiliki pemain berpostur besar. beruntung Citra Satria masih memiliki Vittorio Walewangko, point guard yang memasukan empat tembakan tiga angka dari jarak yang sangat jauh. Wale mengumpulkan angka terbanyak bagi Citra Satria dengan 16 poin.

Dengan berakhirnya pertandingan antara Pelita Jaya melawan Citra Satria, artinya Pelita Jaya sama sekali belum terkalahkan selama 10 kali pertandingannya. Melawan Citra Satria, Haris Sogirin menjadi pencetak angka terbanyak dengan 24 poin

Garuda Benamkan Angsapura, 79-40

Posted on 6:00 AM | By Paijho | In ,

Satya Wacana Angsapura Salatiga yang belum pernah menang sekalipun selama kompetisi NBL Indonesia ini kembali menelan kekalahan, bahkan cukup telak dari tuan rumah Garuda Flexi Bandung, 79-40, saat berlaga, Rabu malam ini (24/11).

Bermain buruk saat bertahan di kuarter pertama membuat Garuda kewalahan menahan serangan bertubi-tubi para pemain muda Angsapura. Martha Rano, Valentino Wuwungan, Johannes Siahaan, dan Luthfianes Gunawan memberikan kejutan kepada publik Bandung yang memadati C-Tra Arena dengan mengungguli tim tuan rumah 14-12 di akhir kuarter pertama.

Pada pertengahan kuarter kedua, anak asuh coach Danny Kosasih ini pun masih meninggalkan Garuda dengan skor 21-18. Situasi ini membuat Johannis Winar, head coach Garuda mulai memasukkan Agustinus Dapas Sigar yang kerap kali berhasil memecahkan kebuntuan serangan Garuda. Aguy membayar kepercayaan coach Winar dengan memasukan tiga tembakan tiga angka dari lima kali percobaan di kuarter kedua. Garuda berbalik unggul di akhir kuarter ini dengan skor 27-21.

Garuda mulai tancap gas di kuarter ketiga dan keempat. Pertahanan pun menjadi lebih solid dan  membuat para pemain Angsapura kesulitan mencetak angka. Garuda beberapa kali mengumpulkan poin dua kali lipat dari raihan Angsapura. Nico Donnda, Aguy, Denny Sumargo, dan Octovianus Permata Sura masing-masing mencetak 11 poin sementara Hendru Ramli mengemas 14 poin untuk memastikan kemenangan kedua Garuda di kandang.

Slam Dunk NBA Peringkat Power Pusat - Minggu November 2010

Posted on 7:58 AM | By Paijho | In

Satu hal yang mengatakan untuk minggu November 15-21, tim atas Wilayah Barat memiliki heck yang seminggu sementara Wilayah Timur tenggelam sedikit.
New Orleans Hornets mempertahankan tempat teratas dan Los Angeles Lakers tetap di # 2 sedangkan drop Celtics. Sedikit gerakan pada kedua konferensi minggu terakhir ini.
Jadi di sini kita pergi dengan Slam Dunk Central Power Rankings NBA pada minggu November 15-21:
Tercantum adalah nama tim, rekor menang-rugi dan peringkat mereka dari pekan sebelumnya dalam tanda kurung

1. New Orleans Hornets (11-1) (1) Mereka pergi 3-1, tapi menang jelek melawan Sacramento. Yang membuktikan bahwa bahkan tim elit dapat memiliki sebuah malam off. Saya menduga ini tidak akan tema yang berulang bagi Hornets. Mereka melanjutkan perjalanan mereka keluar minggu ini Barat (Clippers, Utah dan Portland) bersama dengan San Antonio. Perdagangan yang dikirim Peja Stojakovic akan mendapatkan keuntungan tim dari The Big Easy.
2. Los Angeles Lakers (12-2) (2) 4-0 minggu yang sempurna ini, Lakers bermain basket terbaik mereka hingga saat ini. Dan untuk berpikir bahwa kembali Andrew Bynum adalah benar sekitar sudut. Folks, yang adalah pikiran menakutkan untuk sisa Wilayah Barat dan mungkin keluar Timur, juga.
3. San Antonio Spurs (11-1) (4) Seluruh tim adalah selaras, dan tidak bisa datang pada waktu yang lebih baik bagi Spurs. Duncan perasaan terbaik yang ia telah dirasakan di coule tahun terakhir dan Ginobili dan Parker adalah pemanasan. Saya tidak expectthat ini akan berubah dalam waktu dekat. jadwal mereka relatif sulit (Orlando, Minnesota, Dallas dan New Orleans). T-Wolves adalah gimme sementara 3 lainnya pasti akan menguji mereka.
4. Orlando Magic (9-3) (7) pertahanan mereka memastikan minggu sempurna mereka saat mereka menyerah hanya 82,5 PPG. oposisi mereka Memang tidak terlalu berat, tetapi angka tidak berbohong. pertama mereka dua pertandingan minggu ini (San Antonio dan Miami) akan memberikan indikator tentang betapa sulitnya mereka sebenarnya. Cari produksi ofensif untuk menjemput, juga.
5. Boston Celtics (9-4) (3)-hijau dan putih itu sendiri tidak ada nikmat oleh karena runtuhnya pertahanan mereka terlambat karena mereka kalah dari Oklahoma City dan Toronto. Itu benar - Toronto. Mereka lebih berharap bahwa itu hanya cegukan ketika mereka menghadapi Atlanta, New Jersey dan Toronto lagi - kali ini di TD Garden.
6. Oklahoma City Thunder (9-4) (14) Mereka berhasil memenangkan pertandingan tanpa Kevin Durant dan Jeff Green minggu ini. Yang dengan sendirinya memungkinkan Thunder untuk bangkit peringkat. Tapi mereka akan membutuhkan keduanya ASAP kembali. Baik Durant dan hijau sehari-hari, sehingga Thunder harus menggali lebih dalam. Untuk saat ini Tampilkan Russell Westbrook.
7. Utah Jazz (9-5) (5) Utah benar-benar membutuhkan bantuan, mencetak-bijaksana, dari bangku mereka. Selain C. J. Miles, tidak ada banyak di sana. Dan Jazz tidak dapat mengharapkan untuk memenangkan banyak pertandingan tanpa bantuan dari bangku mereka. Seminggu sulit berada di depan untuk Utah karena mereka menghadapi Hornets dan Lakers terjepit oleh Raja dan Jazz.
8. Atlanta Hawks (8-5) (6) Itu harus soal waktu sebelum Joe Johnson dan Jamal Crawford mendapatkan groove mereka menembak kembali. Inkonsistensi adalah Atlanta tumit Achilles sebagai mereka rebound yang baik satu malam dan mengerikan berikutnya. Ini tidak membantu baik bahwa Hawks bermain 5 game minggu ini (Boston, New Jersey, Washington, New York dan Toronto).
9. Miami Heat (8-5) (9) Pertama kabar baik. Panas ini memenangkan 2 dari 3. Kabar buruk? Udonis Haslem mengalami cedera serius kakinya dan akan keluar sampai bulan Februari. Lalu ada pergelangan terkilir Dwyane Wade. Tiba-tiba, Miami adalah fana. Jika Anda seorang penggemar Panas, maka Anda harus benci bahwa Jerry Stackhouse dan Zydraunas Ilgauskas akan mulai di masa mendatang.
10. Dallas (8-4) (8) Bagaimana Mavericks membiarkan diri outrebounded oleh 25 melawan Chicago? Lalu ada masalah Dirk Nowitzki dan Jason Terry menjadi senjata ofensif. Seseorang perlu memberitahu Jason Kidd bahwa it's ok untuk memasang lebih dari 7 tembakan permainan.
11. Portland Trail Blazers (8-6) (11) "Bagaimana Anda kehilangan memimpin? Kau merindukan tembakan dan Anda memutar bola atas "Itu adalah kata-kata pelatih Nate McMillan.. Membiarkan memimpin 9 poin melawan Utah menguap adalah buzzkill dari minggu dinyatakan layak untuk Portland. The Blazers Brandon Roy perlu kembali ASAP.
12. Chicago Bulls (7-4) (12) Ini adalah hal yang baik bahwa Bulls berada di Divisi Tengah, salah satu divisi lemah di Asosiasi. Ini tidak bisa lebih baik sekarang bahwa mereka berada di perjalanan jalan Pantai Barat. Tim dan aku memiliki sesuatu yang sama - kami berdua benci sirkus. Bulls mendapatkan Lakers, Phoenix, Denver dan Sacramento minggu ini.
13. Denver Nuggets (7-6) (15) Aku akan senang ketika opera sabun Carmelo Anthony akhirnya datang ke penutupan. Untuk kredit, ia tidak membiarkan hal itu mempengaruhi permainannya di lapangan. Dia mungkin ingin mengatakan Chauncey Billups untuk lebih seleksi menembak sejak pelanggaran turun secara dramatis setelah Melo.
14. Golden State Warriors (7-6) (10) Hal-hal yang tidak mencari terlalu baik bagi Warriors karena mereka memiliki empat pemain depan kekuasaan baik tertatih-tatih atau tidak aktif. yang menjelaskan kurangnya rebound dari 4. Kemudian mereka harus bermain delapan dari 11 pertandingan berikutnya mereka melawan tim playoff-kaliber. Jangan heran jika pelatih Keith Smart memainkan versi Nellie-bola selama peregangan itu.
15. Phoenix Suns (6-7) (13) Apa sih yang terjadi dengan pertahanan Suns '? Mereka menyerah 123 untuk Charlotte - tim tidak diakui sebagai kecakapan ofensif mereka. Apa yang paling mengatakan adalah 3 mereka kerugian minggu ini, mereka kalah dengan rata-rata 20 poin per game, yang mengkhawatirkan.
16. Indiana Pacers (5-6) (16) Pacers yang menginjak-injak air, yang sebenarnya adalah perbaikan ove saat ini tahun lalu. Dan akhir-akhir ini, mereka telah memainkan beberapa pertahanan yang cukup bagus. Indiana tak diragukan lagi memiliki jadwal terberat dari semua tim di Asosiasi minggu ini, menghadapi Miami, Cleveland, Oklahoma City dan Lakers.
17. New York Knicks (6-8) (24) Berita, folks! The Knicks memiliki perjalanan sukses keluar Barat minggu ini, mengambil tiga dari 4. Mungkinkah akhirnya tim akan gelling? Minggu ini harus memberikan petunjuk sebagai New York mengambil Charlotte dua kali, Atlanta dan Detroit. 3-1 sepenuhnya mungkin di sini.
18. Cleveland Cavaliers (5-7) (18) Mereka triwulan ketiga sial datang untuk menghantui Cavs akhir-akhir ini, memberikan kontribusi untuk gelar dalam 1-2 minggu mereka. Mereka perlu untuk melakukan sendiri sesuatu dan mendengarkan mereka pelatih Byron Scott lebih hati-hati seperti yang terlihat seperti mereka kehilangan fokus mereka.
19. Milwaukee Bucks (5-8) (17) Mereka adalah sempurna pekan ini - sangat mengerikan. Tapi jangan salahkan Andrew Bogut. Namun angka itu menurun, karena tingkat kecil berhubungan dengan luka yang mengganggu dia menderita di akhir musim lalu. Pada saat yang sama, anggota tim tidak menarik bagian mereka dari beban. Saya pikir sudah waktunya untuk Brandon Jennings untuk mendapatkan sedikit egois dan skor ember lebih.
20. Memphis Grizzlies (5-9) (19) Begitu banyak bakat yang terbuang. Tim ini harus lebih baik dari rekor saat mereka menunjukkan. Pelatih Lionel Hollins akan harus mendapatkan abad pertengahan di pantat mereka sebagai pemain tertentu tampaknya semakin apatis. Mereka memiliki Detroit, Golden State dan Cleveland di periskop mereka minggu ini.
21. Detroit Pistons (5-8) (20) kembali Rip Hamilton. Ofensif, yaitu. Itu semua baik dan baik, tetapi Detroit perlu untuk memenangkan beberapa permainan untuk membuat kontribusi yang berarti Hamilton. Simpan untuk Dallas, Pistons bermain sister lemah minggu ini (Memphis, Milwaukee dan New York).
22. Charlotte Bobcats (5-8) (25) Akhirnya, Bobcats mengumpulkan minggu menang. mereka bahkan mencetak beberapa poin, memasang melawan Minnesota 113 dan 123 terhadap Phoenix. Mungkin pesan pelatih Larry Brown untuk Stephen Jackson yang akhirnya membayar off sebagai Kapten Jack berkumai a-triple double melawan Suns.
23. Toronto Raptors (5-9) (29) Break keluar Raptors! Pemenang 3 dari mereka empat terakhir, mereka mendapat kontribusi besar dari Andrea Bargnani dan Amir Johnson. Semua yang mereka lakukan adalah percaya diri, bahkan dengan daftar yang mereka miliki. Ia mendapat lebih keras untuk Toronto minggu ini karena mereka bisa bermain Philadelphia, Boston dan Atlanta.
24. Washington Wizards (4-8) (27) Aku masih skeptis tentang Gilbert Arenas namun ia secara perlahan masuk ke bentuk permainan. Jika ia dapat menjadi pemain bahwa ia sekali waktu, ia dan John Wall dapat membuat hidup sengsara bagi banyak tim. Pertanyaannya adalah kapan itu akan terjadi.
25. New Jersey Nets (4-9) (22) Times berat bagi Nets saat mereka dihajar di Pantai Barat baru-baru ini mereka perjalanan, menyimpan untuk Clippers. Tetapi untuk kredit mereka, mereka cukup kompetitif dalam kerugian mereka. The Smackdown diharapkan berlanjut ketika New Jersey memainkan Atlanta, Boston, Philadelphia dan Portland.
26. Sacramento Kings (4-8) (23) Kamu harus cinta optimisme rookie DeMarcus Cousins ': "Kami tim yang bagus. Kami memiliki catatan kehilangan, tapi kami masih tim yang bagus "Sebuah sifat baik untuk memiliki, tapi hasil berbicara sendiri -. Mereka kehilangan 3 dari empat. Mereka bermain keras melawan New Orleans tapi dilipat melawan New York. Mereka mendapatkan Utah, Clippers dan Chicago minggu ini.
27. Houston Rockets (3-9) (21) Saya tidak tahu apa yang terjadi, tapi Rockets minggu ini lupa bagaimana mencetak poin, rata-rata 96 pertandingan. Dan seperti yang Anda semua tahu, Anda tidak dapat skor di bawah 100 dan berharap untuk menang secara teratur. mereka harus berhenti mengasihani diri mereka sebagai pityparties adalah resep pasti untuk bencana. Dengan kata lain, menemukan seorang pemimpin di ruang ganti.
28. Philadelphia 76ers (3-10) (28) Seseorang harus memberitahu Lou Williams yang menang atas Milwaukee belum tentu menang besar - yang adalah satu-satunya kemenangan oleh Sixers, by the way. Saya akan senang melihat mereka mendapatkan kemenangan beruntun terjadi. Masalahnya adalah bahwa mereka hadapi Washington, Toronto, Miami dan New Jersey minggu ini.
29. Minnesota Timberwolves (4-10) (26) Mereka memiliki Kevin Love dan Michael Beasley. Mereka juga memiliki sesuatu yang sebagian besar dari tim NBA tidak memiliki: kegemaran kehilangan secara teratur. Tetapi untuk menjadi adil, pemilik mereka adalah Glen Taylor. Itu akan memberi tahu Anda segalanya yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang tim dari Minneapolis. Bahkan Kevin Garnett dalam bukunya prima tidak bisa menyelamatkan kapal ini tenggelam.
30. Los Angeles Clippers (1-13) (30) Ini adalah anak poster untuk apa komisaris NBA David Stern dalam pikiran dalam hal tim relokasi. Ini adalah hal yang baik bahwa Los Angeles memiliki tim pemenang di sana. Setidaknya Blake Griffin membuat kehilangan tertahankan - jika itu benar-benar mungkin.

Satria Muda At landslide Angsapura, 70-37

Posted on 6:21 AM | By Paijho | In ,

Satya Discourse Angsapura Salatiga tonight, Monday (22/11/2010) appear for the eighth time and again to swallow defeat for the eighth time. Play against Satria Muda Britama Jakarta, direct Angsapura minutes left far from the beginning to the end of quarter 4. Satria Muda well ahead 70-37.
Putting the main point guard J Achmad Faisal as the player back up, coach Fictor Roring pointguard position starter entrust to the younger brother Faisal, Julius Achmad. Together Bonanza Siregar and three senior players, Welly Situmorang, Rony Gunawan and Amin Prihantono, Satria Muda immediately step on the gas left in the quarter Angsapura 1 with a score of 16-3.
Left with a difference 13 points in the first quarter to make the players more excited Angsapura. Valentino Wuwungan who only scored one point in the first quarter successfully added six points through the game hard on the bottom ring Satria Muda. Action pointguard Budi Sucipto which is often troublesome opponent's defense can only shorten the distance in the distance dropping only eight points on the cover of the second quarter.
Satria Muda began pressing hard in the third quarter. Raihan 26 points during the first quarter, and second, they can accomplish in just one quarter, in the third quarter. While Angsapura only able to reach an additional 9 digits. Closing the third quarter with a 52-27 position at quarter 3, Satria Muda gives more opportunity the young players such as Michel and Schiffo Vamiga Liogu for more play.
Poor execution Angsapura was the cause of wide range achievement rates at the end of the game. Though Angsapura very often succeeded in opening the defense Satria Muda even do without escort tight layup.

Basketball shoes

Posted on 6:15 AM | By Paijho | In

Types of Slam Dunk

Posted on 10:08 AM | By Paijho | In

 • Walking in the air, or commonly referred to as "air"; a dunk technique to jump far and high, so a cursory look like he was walking in the air.• Ally-ops; a type of dunk where teammates pass the ball to a player who is jumping. While jumping, the player catching the ball pass his friend and immediately Slam dunk.• 360 degree dunk, a dunk that made by turning the body as much as 360 degrees• Tip dunk; a type of dunk where teammates threw the ball but not on, and then the players jump and catch the ball bounce (rebound), which does not make it to be joined by Slam dunk before stepping foot off the ground.• Back-dunk, dunk is done with the body facing backward• Cross over dunk; a dunk kind of action, one hand passing the ball into the hands of the other leg through the groin and then doing a dunk

How to Play Fantasy Basketball

Posted on 10:22 AM | By Paijho | In

Types of Leagues
There are as many configurations as there are leagues, but most fantasy NBA games fall into one of the following groups:

   1. Draft vs. Auction: In a "draft" league, owners simply take turns selecting players. Most leagues tend to use a "snake" draft format - the player who picks first in the first round picks last in the second, etc. In an auction, each team has a budget used to acquire players, and owners fill their teams by "bidding" on individual players.

   2. Rotisserie vs. Fantasy Points: In Rotisserie scoring, player stats are totaled up, then each team gets points according to its rank in a given category. For example, in an eight-team league, the team in first place in assists would get eight points, the second-place team gets seven, and the last-place team gets one. A "points" league assigns fantasy points to different statistics… a basket might be worth one point, a rebound one point, a turnover -1, etc. Rotisserie scoring is the most commonly-used format. Most fantasy NFL games use fantasy point scoring.

   3. Head to Head vs. Cumulative Scoring: In a head-to-head league, you compete against a single team for a set period of time - usually a week. Head-to-head leagues typically use fantasy point scoring systems. Cumulative leagues have scoring based on stats accumulated over the entire season - the team in first place when the season ends wins. The head-to-head format is more common in fantasy football.

   4. Daily vs. Weekly Transactions: This is a particularly important factor to consider in basketball, because game schedules aren't balanced… a given team might play two games one week and five the next. In a weekly transaction league, you could wind up with your five-game guy stuck on the bench while a two-game player enjoys his time off.

Roster Composition

A typical NBA fantasy roster includes:
  • One Point Guard
  • One Shooting Guard
  • One Guard (Either point or shooting guard)
  • One Small Forward
  • One Power Forward
  • One Forward (Either small or power)
  • Two Centers
  • One or two Utility players, who can play any position
Most leagues also allow some number of bench players. Players on the bench don't count towards your team statistics; they're extras that can be moved into and out of your starting lineup as you like.

Trades and Waivers

Most leagues allow players to be traded between teams. Some might have a "trade approval" or "trade protest" option to prevent trades that are unbalanced or otherwise unfair.
Players that don't get drafted are considered "free agents" and can be picked up by teams during the season, usually on a first-come, first-served basis.

Fantasy Statistics

The statistical categories used in most fantasy basketball leagues are:
  • Points
  • Rebounds
  • Assists
  • Steals
  • Blocks
  • Three-pointers Made
  • Field Goal Percentage
  • Free Throw Percentage
The first six categories are "counting stats" - simply add up each player's total to get your team's score. The last two - field goal and free throw percentage are percentage stats… meaning your score is based on your team's total shooting percentage.
To figure your team's percentage in either category, divide the total number of shots made by the total number of attempts.
Some leagues substitute assist-to-turnover ratio for assists, while others add turnovers, three-point percentage or other categories to the mix.


In standard rotisserie-style leagues, the team with the most points at the end of the season is the winner.

NBA Rules System

Posted on 11:27 AM | By Paijho | In

NBA held a competition each year with a system of Season and Playoffs, Season on the system 82 times each club competed against other clubs and 16 clubs (8 of 8 from the east and west) which has the best record has the right to go to the round of Playoffs. In Playoffs round, 8 teams from each region will be pitted with the format, the team into-1 (the best in the region) against the team's 8th (sequence 8 in the region, 2nd team against a team into the 7th, 3rd team against team of the 6th and 5th team against a team the 4th). The team with win-lose record better in Season play will be given the benefits to host more in the round of Playoffs.
In the Playoffs the system used in the first round is the "best-of-five" (who won 3 times ahead of a total of 5 games), and the next round until the finals are "best-of-seven" (who won a total of 7 of the first 4x match).


Posted on 7:50 AM | By Paijho | In


The referee signals that a foul has been committed.
An attempt to unfairly disadvantage an opponent through physical contact is illegal and is called a foul. These are most commonly committed by defensive players; however, they can be committed by offensive players as well. Players who are fouled either receive the ball to pass inbounds again, or receive one or more free throws if they are fouled in the act of shooting, depending on whether the shot was successful. One point is awarded for making a free throw, which is attempted from a line 15 feet (4.6 m) from the basket.
The referee may use discretion in calling fouls (for example, by considering whether an unfair advantage was gained), sometimes making fouls controversial calls or no-calls. The calling of fouls can vary between games, leagues and even among referees.
A player or coach who shows poor sportsmanship, such as by arguing with a referee or by fighting with another player, can be charged with a more serious foul called a technical foul. The penalty involves free throws (where, unlike a personal foul, the other team can choose any player to shoot) and varies among leagues. Repeated incidents can result in disqualification. Blatant fouls with excessive contact or that are not an attempt to play the ball are called intentional fouls (or flagrant fouls in the NBA). In FIBA, a foul resulting in ejection is called a disqualifying foul, while in leagues other than the NBA, such a foul is referred to as flagrant.
If a team exceeds a certain limit of team fouls in a given period (quarter or half) – four for NBA and international games – the opposing team is awarded one or two free throws on all subsequent non-shooting fouls for that period, the number depending on the league. In the US college and high school games, if a team reaches 7 fouls in a half, the opposing team is awarded one free throw, along with a second shot if the first is made. This is called shooting "one-and-one". If a team exceeds 10 fouls in the half, the opposing team is awarded two free throws on all subsequent fouls for the half.
When a team shoots foul shots, the opponents may not interfere with the shooter, nor may they try to regain possession until the last or potentially last free throw is in the air.
After a team has committed a specified number of fouls, it is said to be "in the penalty". On scoreboards, this is usually signified with an indicator light reading "Bonus" or "Penalty" with an illuminated directional arrow indicating that team is to receive free throws when fouled by the opposing team. (Some scoreboards also indicate the number of fouls committed.)
If a team misses the first shot of a two-shot situation, the opposing team must wait for the completion of the second shot before attempting to reclaim possession of the ball and continuing play.
If a player is fouled while attempting a shot and the shot is unsuccessful, the player is awarded a number of free throws equal to the value of the attempted shot. A player fouled while attempting a regular two-point shot, then, receives two shots. A player fouled while attempting a three-point shot, on the other hand, receives three shots.
If a player is fouled while attempting a shot and the shot is successful, typically the player will be awarded one additional free throw for one point. In combination with a regular shot, this is called a "three-point play" or "four-point play" (or more colloquially, an "and one") because of the basket made at the time of the foul (2 or 3 points) and the additional free throw (1 point).

Beasley Gemilang, Minnesota Sacramento Bend

Posted on 4:35 PM | By Paijho | In ,

Michael Beasley has recorded the highest points in his NBA career

Michael Beasley recorded the highest points in his career National Basketball Association (NBA) her. Minnesota Timberwolves forward scored 42 points and 9 rebounds as host Sacramento bend King 98-89.

In the match held at ARCO Arena, Sacramento, the performances scintillating action Beasley is also equipped with Sebastian Telfair and Wesley Johnson. Telfair scored 16 points while Johnson with 12 points.

While in camp Sacramento, Omri Casspi into the printer with the highest points for the team score 17 points. Beno Udrih followed with 16 points and Samuel Dalembert with 14 points.

In other matches held at the AT & T Center, San Antonio Spurs host managed to bend his guest with the Los Angeles Clippers 107-95.

From the fourth quarter, the Spurs appeared dominant in the first three quarters. The home team lost only in the final quarter although ultimately still well ahead of the Clippers.

Spurs victory is not separated from action Manu Ginobilli and Richard Jerfferson. Both scored points with the highest score 22 points respectively. Followed by Tony Parker scored 21 points and nine assists for the Spurs.

In the camp the visitors, Rasual Butler scored the highest points for his team to notch 18 points. Followed by coating the player Craig Smith with 15 points.

Other NBA results:

104-94 Orlando Utah
Houston 91-98 Washington
Atlanta Milwaukee 108-91
Charlotte 101-96 Toronto
Golden State 122-117 New York
New Jersey 95-87 Cleveland
Dallas Memphis 106-91
Oklahoma City, Philadelphia 103-109

Nowitzki Leads Mavericks Celtics Bend In the stronghold Celtics, Paul Pierce scored the highest points.

Posted on 8:36 AM | By Paijho | In ,

Dirk Nowitzki Dallas Mavericks victory became a hero when overthrew the Boston Celtics 89-87. He scored the highest points, 25 including the decisive shot when the game 20 seconds left.

In the match held at American Airlines, Dallas, the Celtics really had trouble. In fact, the Celtics are able to rise in quarter 3 and minimize the lag becomes 70-69.

But in the final quarter, the Celtics could only reach 8 points. As a result, they must recognize the benefits of the host with a thin score 89-87.

Besides Nowitzki, the Dallas camp, incision points, also donated by Jason Terry with 17 points. Also, Tyson Chandler scored a double double with 12 points plus 13 rebounds.

In the stronghold Celtics, Paul Pierce scored the highest points with 24 points. Kevin Garnett with 18 points plus 15 rebounds, and Rajon Rondo with 11 points and 15 assists.

Other Match Results
San Antonio 95-91 Charlotte
Atlanta 89-93 Orlando
Toronto Golden State 109-102
Phoenix 99-109 Memphis
Denver Chicago 92-94
Boston 87-89 Dallas


Posted on 9:29 AM | By Paijho | In

Futsal is a variant of association football that is played on a smaller playing surface and mainly played indoors. Its name is derived from the Portuguese futebol de salão and the Spanish fútbol de salón (colloquially fútbol sala), which can be translated as "hall football" or "indoor football". During the sport's second world championships held in Madrid in 1985, the name fútbol de salón was used. Since then, all other names have been officially and internationally changed to futsal.
Futsal is played between two teams of five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper (i.e. only five players (including the goalkeeper) are allowed on the field). Unlimited substitutes per team are permitted. Unlike some other forms of indoor football, the game is played on a hard court surface delimited by lines; walls or boards are not used. Futsal is also played with a smaller ball with less bounce than a regular football.[1] The rules create an emphasis on improvisation, creativity and technique as well as ball control and passing in small spaces.[2

Futsal started in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1930, when Juan Carlos Ceriani created a version of football for competition in YMCAs. In Brazil, this version developed on the streets of São Paulo, and, eventually, a rule book was published. The sport began to spread across South America, and its popularity ensured that a governing body was formed under the name of FIFUSA (Federación Internacional de Fútbol de Salón) in 1971, along with the World Championships. The first FIFUSA World Championships were held in São Paulo, with hosts Brazil crowned champions ahead of Paraguay and Uruguay. Even more countries participated in the second World Championships held in Madrid in 1985.[3] Due to a dispute between FIFA and FIFUSA over the administration of fútbol, FIFUSA coined the word fut-sal in 1985.
FIFA took control of the World Championships in 1989. Under new rules made by FIFA, the technical aspects of the game for players and spectators were improved. The linesmen were replaced with a second referee, and there were unlimited substitutions.[4] It also introduced a size 4 football, which was weighted to reduce bounce by 30% compared to a conventional ball, which enabled faster play and, for the first time, scoring goals with the head.[3][5]

Brazil - Argentina futsal game
FIFA's relationships with its member associations allowed more countries to gain knowledge and resources about futsal.[3] FIFA soon began to administer its own indoor football games, hosting its first FIFA Indoor Soccer World Championship in 1989 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. In 1992, it was the FIFA Five-a-Side World Championship (Hong Kong), and, since 1996, it has been called the FIFA Futsal World Championship. Thanks to the increase of the number of nations that participated in the FIFA Futsal World Championships held in 2000, Brazil's dominance in the competition was ended by Spain.[3]
In 2004, members of PANAFUTSAL (La Confederación Panamericana de Futsal, The Pan-American Futsal Confederation) formed AMF (Asociación Mundial de Fútbol de Salón, World Futsal Association), an international futsal governing body independent of FIFA. Both FIFA and AMF continue to administer the game.[6]


Posted on 8:56 AM | By Paijho | In

Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules. Basketball is one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in the world.[1]
A regulation basketball hoop consists of a rim 18 inches (45.7 cm) in diameter and 10 feet (3.05 m) high mounted to a backboard. A team can score a field goal by shooting the ball through the hoop during regular play. A field goal scores two points for the shooting team if a player is touching or closer to the hoop than the three-point line, and three points (a "3 pointer") if the player is "outside" the three-point line. The team with more points at the end of the game wins, but additional time (overtime) may be issued when the game ends with a tie. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while walking or running (dribbling) or passing it to a teammate. It is a violation (traveling) to walk with the ball, carry it, or to double dribble (to hold the ball and then resume dribbling).
Various violations are generally called "fouls". Disruptive physical contact (a personal foul) is penalized, and a free throw is usually awarded to an offensive player if he is fouled while shooting the ball. A technical foul may also be issued when certain infractions occur, most commonly for unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of a player or coach. A technical foul gives the opposing team a free throw.
Basketball has evolved many commonly used techniques of shooting, passing, and dribbling, as well as specialized player positions and offensive and defensive structures (player positioning) and techniques. Typically, the tallest members of a team will play "center", "small forward", or "power forward" positions, while shorter players or those who possess the best ball handling skills and speed play "point guard" or "shooting guard".
While competitive basketball is carefully regulated, numerous variations of basketball have developed for casual play. Competitive basketball is primarily an indoor sport played on carefully marked and maintained basketball courts, but less regulated variations are often played outdoors in both inner city and rural areas.

Field, Time, and Number of Basketball Players, Rules Basketball Games, Basketball Games Basic Technique, Technique Pro Basketball Game

Posted on 8:40 AM | By Paijho | In , , , , ,

Basketball game is the rectangle with a length field that is 26 meters and width of the field that is 14 meters. The three circles contained in the basketball court has long fingers that is 1.80 meters.
The number of players in a basketball game are 5 people in a squad with reserves of 5 people. While the number of referees in the game of basketball is 2. Referee 1 Referee and the referee called 2 is called Umpire.
Left 4 X 10 minutes game. In between rounds 1, 2, 3, and stage 4 there is a break for 10 minutes. In the event of the same score at the end of extra time the match should be held until there is difference score. In between the two extra rounds contained a break for 2 minutes. Time to throw in the 5 seconds.
Circumference of the ball used in basketball game is 75 cm - 78 cm. While the ball weight is 600-650 grams. If the ball is dropped from a height of 1.80 meters on the floor board, then the ball should come back at a height of between 1.20 to 1.40 meters.
The length of the outer reflective board is 1.80 meters wide while the outer reflective board is 1.20 meters. And reflecting the long board is 0.59 meters in width while the board is reflective of the 0.45 meters.
Distance floor to the bottom of the reflective board is 2.75 meters. While the board reflecting the lower distance to the basketball hoop is 0.30 meters. Basketball hoop has a length of 0.40 meters. While the underpinnings distance to the finish line is 1 meter.
Long diameter circle on a basketball court is 1.80 meters with line widths of 0.05 meters. The length of the final line of attack area circle that is 6 meters. While the penalty shot line length of 3.60 meters. Basketball Game Rules
Basketball Game Rules
The basic rule on Basketball games are as follows.

* The ball can be thrown in any direction by using one or both hands.
* The ball can be hit in any direction by using one or both hands, but should not be beaten using fists (punching).
* Players are not allowed to run while holding the ball. Players must throw the ball in from the point where receiving the ball, but if players are allowed to run at normal speed.
* The ball must be held within or between your palms. Arms or other body members are not allowed to hold the ball.
* Players are not allowed butting, holding, pushing, hitting, or tackle an opponent in any manner whatsoever. The first violation of this rule will be counted as an error, a second violation will be sanctioned in the form of a player disqualification of offenders to the basket ball team entered by the opponent, and if the offense was committed with the purpose to injure opponents, then players will be punished offenders should not come into play throughout the match . At this time, no substitutions allowed.
* A mistake was made when the players hit the ball with fists (punching), in violation of rules 3 and 4, and violated the things mentioned in rule 5.
* If one side made three consecutive errors, then the error will be counted as a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the offense back by the opponent).
* Gol occurs when the ball is thrown or beaten from the field into the basket, in this case the player guarding the basket does not touch or disturb the goal. When the ball stopped on the edge of the basket or the opposing players move the cart, then it will not be counted as a goal.
* If the ball out of the field matches, the ball will be thrown back in and played by the first player to touch it. If there is a difference of opinion regarding the ownership of the ball, then wasitlah which will throw into the field. Ball pitchers are given 5 seconds to throw the ball in his hands. If he held longer than the time, the ownership of the ball will move. When one party to do things that can postpone the match, then the referee can give them a warning of violations.
* The referee has the right to pay attention to the game the players and record the number of violations and told the assistant referee in case of violation in a row. The referee has the full right to provide a disqualification player who commits an offense in accordance with the rules stated in 5.
* The referee assistant noticed the ball and make a decision when the ball is considered out of the field, the change of ownership of the ball, as well as timing. Assistant referee is entitled to determine the legitimacy of a goal and count the number of goals happen.
* When the game is 4 quarters each 10 minutes
* Person who managed to enter the most goals will be declared the winner [1]

Basic Technique Basketball Games
How to hold a basketball is the attitude of the hands form a large bowl. The ball was among the palms. The palm of the hand attached to the side of the ball slightly back, outstretched fingers attached to the ball. Thumb is located close to the body in the back of the ball facing the direction of the center front. The two legs form the horses with one foot in front. Body bent slightly forward and knees relaxed.
In capturing the ball must be considered for the ball is in control. The ball picked up the palm of the hand with fingers outstretched and wrists relaxed. When the ball go between his palms, fingers attached to the ball and immediately pulled back or follow the direction of the ball. Catch the ball (catching ball) consists of two kinds of ways to catch the ball above your head and catch boka in front of chest.
Pass or throw the ball consisted of three ways of throwing the ball over the head (over-head pass), throw the ball from the front of the chest (chest pass) is performed from the chest to chest with a quick in the game, and threw the ball bounced off the ground or floor ( bounce pass).
Dribbling (dribbling ball) is an attempt to bring the ball forward. The trick is to bounce the ball to the floor-mantulkan with one hand. When the ball moves into the palm of the hand attached to the ball and follow the direction of the ball. Press the ball when it reaches the highest point towards the bottom with a little straightening elbow followed by the flexibility of the wrist. Dribbling the ball in a basketball game can be divided into two ways, namely dribble dribble low and high. Low dribble aims to protect the ball out of reach of the opponent. High dribble made to hold fast to attack the opponent's defense area.
Pivot or memoros is an attempt to save the ball from the reach of the opponent with one leg as an axis, while the other leg can rotate 360 degrees.
Shooting is an attempt to enter the ball into the basket or the basket opponent to gain points. In doing this shooting can be done in two ways, namely by shooting with two hands and shooting with one hand.
Lay-up is an attempt to enter the ball to the basket ring or basketball with two steps and jumped up for Facebook to gain points. Lay-ups are also called flying shots. Technical Pro Basketball Game

* Fade Away
Fade Away is a technique that encourages the body backward while doing shoot, making it difficult for defenders to block the ball. This technique is quite difficult for new players learn basketball. If the balance is not maintained body might bounced and fell backward. NBA players who often use this technique is the basketball legends like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.

* Hook Shoot
Hook is a very effective technique if the player is maintained by people who are taller than the players. Namely how to shoot from the side with one hand. So the distance between the person and player bias block some distance away. Later this technique is often used by Rony Gunawan Satria Muda Britama time against Garuda Bandung in the Final of 2009, and achieve the 80% accuracy.

* Jump Shoot
The technique takes high jump, and shot accuracy qualified.

* Slamdunk
Slamdunk is one of the most popular technique. Actually quite simple, that is just entering the ball directly into the ring and threw hand basket. Although simple, but for those with 171 cm tall slam like this is almost impossible to do because it does not jump high enough. [2]

The term in Basketball

Posted on 8:49 AM | By Paijho | In

Rebound (basketball) (the additional term)

      Rebound is a term in a basketball game where a player is caught or get the ball bounce which does not work ...

      2 KB (263 words) - 06:49, 17 February 2010
    * Assist (basketball)

      Assist is a term in a basketball game where a player passes the ball to his friend, and the player who gets the ball ...

      1 KB (158 words) - 15:54, May 24, 2010
    * Steal (diversion Steal (basketball))

      Steal in basketball is a term in which a defender managed to get the ball being held, passed or didribble ...

      907 B (69 words) - 09:30, 26 June 2010
    * Block (basketball)

      Block in basketball is a term in which a player managed to survive to make the leap and block / hold the ball which is being ...

      1 KB (135 words) - 03:34, 7 June 2010
    * Slam dunk

      basketball, a player trying to enter the ball into the basket ... See also: Category: Glossary basketball. ...

      2 KB (197 words) - 18:30, 22 June 2010

    Basketball History

    Posted on 8:37 AM | By Paijho | In

    Basketball is considered as a unique sport because it was created by accident by a gym teacher. In 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian sports teacher who taught at a college for professional students at the YMCA (a Christian youth container) diSpringfield, Massachusetts, had to make a game in an enclosed space to fill time students during winter break in New England.Terinspirasi of the game he ever played as a child in Ontario, Naismith created the game now known as a basketball on December 15, 1891.
    According to the story, after rejecting several ideas as too harsh and not suitable to be played at the stadium-arena is closed, he then writes a few basic rules, put a basket on the wall of the gym space, and asking students to start playing the game that his creation.
    Official basketball game of the first, held on January 20, 1892 in the workplace Dr.James Naismith.Basket is a name spoken by one of his pupils. This sport became immediately famous throughout the United States. Fans placed in all branches in the United States. The match immediately after the game was held in cities across the U.S. states.
    Initially, each team of nine people and no dribble, so the ball can only move through the throw. The history of regulation basketball game begins from 13 basic rules written by James Naismith. The basic rule is as follows.

    1. The ball can be thrown in any direction by using one or both hands.
    2. The ball can be hit in any direction by using one or both hands, but should not be beaten using fists (punching).
    3. Players are not allowed to run while holding the ball. Players must throw the ball in from the point where receiving the ball, but if players are allowed to run at normal speed.
    4. The ball must be held within or between your palms. Arms or other body members are not allowed to hold the ball.
    5. Players are not allowed butting, holding, pushing, hitting an opponent with a deliberate manner. The first violation of this rule will be counted as an error, a second violation will be given the sanction of disqualification of offenders player until his team basket ball penetrated by the opponent, and if the offense was committed with the purpose to injure your opponent, then the offender will be punished players should not play along match. At this time, no substitutions allowed.
    6. A mistake was made when the players hit the ball with fists (punching), in violation of rules 3 and 4, and violated the things mentioned in rule 5.
    7. If one party made three consecutive errors, then the error will be counted as a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the offense back by the opponent).
    8. Goal occurs when the ball is thrown or beaten from the field into the basket, in this case the player guarding the basket does not touch or disturb the goal. When the ball stopped on the edge of the basket or the opposing players move the cart, then it will not be counted as a goal.
    9. If the ball out of the field matches, the ball will be thrown back in and played by the first player to touch it. If there is a difference of opinion regarding the ownership of the ball, the referee who will throw it into the field. the player who throws the ball given 5 seconds to throw the ball. If he held longer than the time, the ownership of the ball will move. When one party to do things that can postpone the match, then the referee can give them a warning of violations.
    10. The referee is entitled to consider the game the players and record the number of violations and told the assistant referee in case of violation in a row. The referee has the full right to provide a disqualification player who commits an offense in accordance with the rules stated in 5.
    11. Assistant referee noticed the ball and make a decision when the ball is considered out of the field, the change of ownership of the ball, as well as timing. Assistant referee is entitled to determine the legitimacy of a goal and count the number of goals happen.
    12. When the match is 4 rounds each 10 minutes
    13. Parties who managed to enter the most goals will be declared the winner.

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